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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 25, 2023 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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cartels. designate them as far as in terrorist organizations. they're literally carrying out an attack on our country daily. in the time we have done this segment, someone may have died. >> that's horrible and unconscionable more action isn't being taken. >> good to see you. >> todd: with that -- >> ashley: "fox & friends" starts right now. have a good day. ♪ >> ainsley: a fox news alert. right now, president joe biden making it official. announcing his 2024 re-election campaign. >> freedom, personal freedom, is fundamental to who we are as americans. >> there's nothing more important. nothing more sacred. >> that's been the work of my first term, to fight for our democracy. >> this shouldn't be a red or blue issue. >> to protect our rights, to make sure that everyone in this country is treated equally and that everyone is given a fair shot at making it.
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but, you know, around the country, maga extremists are lying on to take on those bedrock freedoms, cutting social security that you paid for your entire life while paying taxes for the will will wealthy. backing books and telling people who they could love all making it more difficult for you to be able to vote. ♪ when i ran for president four years ago, i said we were in a battle for the soul of america. and we still are. the question we are facing is whether the years ahead we have more freedom or less freedom. more rights or fewer. i know what i want the answer to be and i think you do, too. this is not a time to be complacent. that's why i'm running for re-election. because i know america.
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i know we're good and decent people. i know we are still a country that believes in honesty and respect and treating each other with dignity. that we're a nation where we give hate no safe harbor. we believe that everyone is equal. that everyone should be given a fair shot to succeed in this country. >> thank you for choosing us. >> every generation of america has faced a moment when they have to defend democracy. stand up for our personal freedom. stand up for the right to vote and our villanova rights. and this is our moment. ♪ ♪ >> we the people.
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>> biden. [cheers] >> so, if you are with me. go to joe and sign up. >> let's finish this job. i know we can. because this is the united states of america. there's nothing we cannot do if we work together. >> steve: there you go. that is almost the entire three minutes of joe biden's launch video. it came out three minutes and two seconds ago. it was we saw it a little earlier this morning. it's very clear, if you remember last year. and it was 4 years ago to the today that he announced that he was running back in 2019. in the video that launched his campaign last time, he had the theme of remember who we are. and in this one, once again is remember who we are. but this time he also focuses on january 6th, abortion, maga republicans, you see images of ron desantis, of donald trump, of matt gaetz and he talks about
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how republicans are going to take your social security. they are going to back books. it's all about freedom and all about rights. >> ainsley: that's what i noticed it was really more of a social campaign saying that he is slamming the maga republicans, calls them extremists who want to cut social security which we saw on the house floor which is not true or on the hill. they want to cut taxes for the wealthy, he says. we want to focus on treating everyone with dignity. republicans want to ban books, dictate women's healthcare solutions and tell people who they can love and republicans make it difficult to vote. stand up for the right to vote and our civil rights. >> brian: i was struck by the whole banning books things. depending on how you look at it. they don't want to put huck finn in the library culturally. they don't think there should be sexual explicit books in grammar school. if that's banning books. who you love i thought we were done with this.
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transgender sports i think republicans would welcome that debate or publicly financing transitioning i think that's interesting and making it harder to vote. or you could say make putting integrity into voting. this is where republicans are going to have to tackle one-on-one. if that is joe biden projecting himself, selling himself, he sounds like is he doing a golf tournament. whispering in the background instead of taking charge i'm in charge. this is what i have done and this is what i will do. he is basically trying to say look how bad the other guys are. and this is his strong what he thinks and democrats think is his strongest sell. >> ainsley: who is behind this? who is really running the campaign. if you listen to so many people last night vivek ramaswamy and tulsi gabbard were saying that vivek say i see myself running guess a managerial class with a puppet in front of it. a form of elder abuse and tulsi gabbard said something that shocked the live audience last night on sean hannity's show. she said for them to stay in
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power, they need biden to run in this re-election. and when he can't function anymore, then they are going to install their puppet kamala harris to become the unelected president of the united states. then she runs against in 2028 with the power of incumbency behind her. they want someone that they control. >> brian: she is not competent though. >> ainsley: she wasn't in the video. >> brian: barely. what donald trump said you could take the five worst presidents in american history and put them together and couldn't do the damage that joe biden has done to our nation in a few short years. >> steve: what they are going to focus on. keep in mind they did officially announce they're runs for re-election; however, don't expect to see many changes. you won't see any big campaign rallies for many, many months. >> brian: ever. >> steve: there will be apparently a donor summit at the white house on friday where essentially they say okay, we are going to run for president. we probably need $2 billion. who is in? >> brian: a lot of bumper
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stickers. >> steve: meanwhile regarding the team looks like the campaign manager julie chavez rodriguez. the daughter of the it union manager from florida. quinton fulks. behind the scenes general mali. previous campaign manager. nina dunn, communications person will remain at the white house. and there you see some of the leadership chairs that they're officially announcing as of seven minutes ago. >> brian: what's interesting is hanging over this friendly poll only 26% of americans think he should one again. 70 percent said he should not. 74% of 18 to 34s an area in which he dominated donald trump says he should not run again. donald trump 35 percent said he should run. 60 percent said shouldn't. so this is a rematch and the front story on politico is that democrats want.
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they think this is the man to beat donald trump. the big difference is trump put his report card up and it's been stapled to the wall and now we have three years, two and a half years of joe biden and a lot of people say -- republicans say instead of the theory of a moderate president that is going to bring stability to the white house. please explain to me where that is and you mentioned susan rice. she is now out who knows if she will play a role in this she is thought to be doing most of the domestic policy at least somebody behind the scenes who expressed outrage at xavier becerra and how he allowed the border to collapse and how incompetent he is including many reports. we think from the outside. she was saying it from the inside. >> ainsley: remember we talked about the trojan horse elected him on the moderate stance. everyone thought he would be moderate. people didn't like trump they voted for joe biden thinking he was going to be more in the middle. he kept saying i want to unite
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and bring everyone together. he campaigned from his basement. other people energy chief of staff the campaign. get him in office and can control him. he votes the way they want him to vote. and then their agenda, tulsi gabbard is right. they will get kamala harris in and they will controls white house for, you know, four different cycles in a row. >> steve: here's what they are going to run on. they are going to focus on the accomplishments. this is how it breaks down. they will focus on the bipartisan infrastructure bill. that appeals to their union base. they are going to focus on climate change. that focuses with the younger people who are more environmentally. >> ainsley: abortion. >> steve: they are going to focus on healthcare, which is of interest to everybody pretty much the united states. but a particular interest to seniors. those things and his record is good on those things. meanwhile, on the other side you have got ron desantis, i know he was on with sean last night. sean was trying hard to get him to say okay.
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i'm in. does he do it? stay tuned. >> so i have said from the election of 2022 when penal started asking me, we got a legislative session that we're working on. we have a few more weeks to go with that we will be putting up a lot of wins on the board. i'm not going to be making any announcements before that's concluded. >> okay. are you leaning one way or another? >> stay tuned. >> steve: we have heard that until the florida legislature is done. >> ainsley: i wonder what trump will say about that. he was talking about joe biden running. he refers to the biden administration as a failure. did he say that about the five presidents combined. almost inconceivable that biden would even think of running for re-election. >> brian: one thing i think number one issue the republicans have to work at and i have not seen a coherent message what you mentioned abortion. the rest of the stuff, i think the republicans could feel totally confident saying yeah, there were things about the infrastructure bill.
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that's where we got 15 senators we like. see how they execute and get it done. on climate change more of an argument that the republicans want more than ever. they are seeing how in all practicality. licensing out our national security and knowing that every electric car you buy is a feather in the cap to the chinese because they own 70% of all the battery power and they own movies the rare earth and the places they don't own rare earth like afghanistan and congo they have lassoed it up and have total influence of that area if not control of those areas. there's an easy way to tell that story which is in the national interest. and then when you look around at the world falling part before our eyes. we abandoned four embassies since the president took over. we see what happened in afghanistan. we see our influence waning in the middle east of the collapse of the abraham accords before our eyes. latin america, being licensed to the chinese not a world as
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brazil, argentina and colombia going to socialist communist orbit. that was not taking place over the previous regime. the question is who can message better. who has got the energy. one thing is clear. joe biden can't do the messaging. donald trump can. so if you don't like donald trump's message that's probably not going to work for you. if you want to hear the other side. you will hear it. with joe biden you are going to need a slick tape or a surrogate. >> ainsley: not hear all sides of the dnc. if you are a democrat and looking at all the candidates. you won't hear them on the debate stage during the primaries. some of the candidates are upset. marianne bmison said it's unconstitutional. undemocratic. unfortunate. acting like no other democrats running on the democratic side. nina says undemocratic robs the voters of choice that is supposed to be the democratic process. the republican national committee is now launching a website so they can fact check joe biden in real time fact
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check lying about his record. our borders are not safe. our borders are not secure. our economy is not strong and the afghanistan withdrawal was not a success. >> steve: i'm sure people are looking at that right now insiders are betting that donald trump will be the candidate. so they're planning accordingly. what they are doing is ramping up the criticism of all republicans, calling them maga extremists. he was at a union hall in maryland a couple of days ago. evidence referred to maga 21 times. so clearly clearly they are trying to do that when you watch the imagery. you got to admit. you said slick. it is a very well-produced rollout ad for joe biden. not exactly nfl film inspiration. >> steve: for his crowd that voted for him before. to your point about the nbc poll came out where 70% say don't
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run. well now he is running. then the question is becomes okay, if you voted for him before, since he is the only one, are you going to support him as it relates to joe biden. six things disturbing decisions the vice president and president made as it relates to business dealings catch momentum small show to major show on the side. >> steve: it if there is something there and republicans have plenty of runway to find something if it's there. >> ainsley: hunter biden is scheduled to appear may 1st in arkansas for his baby's momma who want him in jail says he is not releasing his financial records through discovery. >> brian: imagine that? why would he not want to release hesitate financial records? give me a second we ran out of time. i guess we should take a break.
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>> ainsley: maybe james come member could give them to her. hold your beer sarah huckabee sanders is teening up with fellow g.o.p. governors offering americans a new way to deal with bud light's corporate wokeness. she will join us live. >> brian: after 4440 days aaron rodgers. hot jets are giving up in return. can he afford of the rent in new york city? we'll find out. ♪ ♪
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introducing the next generation 10g network only from xfinity. the future starts now. tom knows what i'm talking about. isn't that right, tommy? >> ashley: started your headlines with a fox news alert. president joe biden announcing his candidacy for re-election. >> when i ran for president four years ago, i said we're in a battle for the soul of america. and we still are. that's why i'm run for re-election. >> in a tweet sent moments ago, biden says every generation has a moment where they have had to stand up for democracy, to stand up for their fundamental freedoms. i believe this is ours. that's why i'm running for re-election as president of the united states. join us. let's finish the job. police in montana arrest pro-gender protesters after a rally breaks out inside the
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house of representatives. the demonstrators coming out of censored trans lawmaker zoey zephyr. who's house? our house. the lawmaker has not spoken on the floor since the house debated a bill banning gender reassignment surgery for children last week. sales of bud light drop a staggering 17% following the controversial partnership with dylan mulvaney and now arkansas governor sarah huckabee sanders is teaming one fellow g.o.p. governors offering bud light customers a new way to deal with the woke beer. >> real women of politics at every backyard barbecue and tailgate. and if it covers up the label of a big woke company, well, that works, too. >> ashley: governor sarah huckabee sanders joins us later this morning to talk about her could seys and more. jolly rogers, aaron rodgers part of the new york jets after 18
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years green bay packers. the jets will get star quarterback and 18th pick in this year's nfl draft and a pick in the fifth round pick and the packers get a slew of draft picks in return, including the 1st overall pick and a second round pick next year. that could become a first if rogers plays more than 65% of snaps this season. yorge i ever said the work pick so many times in one headline. >> ainsley: maybe we will see him in our yoga classes, ashley. >> ashley: maybe. >> ainsley: california's homeless crisis continuing to spiral out of control address the issue and impact on local businesses. our next guest owns exclusive motors, an auto shop in the march vista neighborhood of l.a. where spalding homeless camp has taken over in 2020 he sued the city and county of l.a. the judge ruled the encampment must
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be removed yet to take action. joins us with more you opened up your business in search of the american dream. how have you seen your area change? >> well, i can say that, you know, it started good at the beginning, but then our failed policies got us into this view that you are seeing in front of you. but, also, you have to remember that this is not a problem that happened yesterday. this is 120 years old problem no did anything about it. turned into a big, big cancer. we started having the first homeless person camp in front of our place in 2014. thinking that our politicians are going to listen to me and do
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something real quick and do the right thing. and then later to find out that since 2014, we have to go through so many impossibles to first prove to them that we're not trying to discriminate against the poor by asking them to remove the poor and give them a place to stay and eat and sleep. and then trying to change the narrative that having homelessness is not okay and have the media change the narrative into saying that somebody is responsible for that and it's going to be our city officials and our county officials. and i would say, also, our state officials and our federal officials, too. everybody is responsible. every citizen is responsible for that. >> ainsley: george, if you look at these images, i mean, anyone who owns a business. anyone who owns a house, if that was what was parked in front of your home or your property, i know it has to effect your business. i know if that were in front of a home and we are seeing that in california, then that effects the safety of families. this is a statement from the
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county of los angeles about homelessness. they said l.a. county declared a state of emergency on homelessness earlier this year and further fast tracking efforts to resolve encampments and scale up housing and mental health and substance abuse services. emergency response will build on efforts that have sheltered 120,000 people and housed 90,000 people over the last five years. what we hear from a lot of our guests, george, it's not just about being pour. they are trying to put the people who can't afford a home or lost their jobs and are sleeping in their cars, they are trying to put them in facilities. some of these individuals don't want to leave. they like living in a dent. many of them are using drugs or using alcohol and they like their life there. how do you change this? you and six other businesses sued. they said they are going to remove the encampments and they never did. >> yes. i have to tell you you are right. nobody would accept this it's not easy to talk to city
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officials. if you look at tesla, for example. when they gave music incentives to come to california. he was the first to start his business in los angeles and then when things don't got right way, instead of sending a letter to the mayor and suing the mayor like i did, the smart businessman moved out of the place. and he went and started his business somewhere else. it was easier for him to send the rocket to the moon than to send a letter to the mayor's office. or to talk to county supervisors. did it wrong thing. i tried to fix what is not fix cybil. but, you know what? it's working. it's working slow. but, hopefully one day somebody would come and join hands with us and help us finish what we started. we went really far from where we started. you know. we want we are still fighting with the county and have attorneys instead of helping the
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judge finish the task, they are slowing him down and that's why it's taking years. >> ainsley: that was interesting. easier to get a rocket to the moon -- or a rocket into space than it is to fix the homeless problem in california. i hope it doesn't force you to move but i understand if you feel the need that you have to do that to get your family out of there. thank you so much, george. we appreciate it? >> thank you for your support. >> ainsley: you are welcome. we also reached out to the city for a statement but did not receive a response. it is official joe is giving it a go throwing his hat in the ring for 2 2024 despite a majory of democrats hoping for a different candidate. michigan congressman john james will react next at adp, we understand business today looks nothing like it did yesterday. while it's more unpredictable, its possibilities are endless. from paying your people from anywhere to supporting your talent everywhere, we use data driven insights to design hr solutions and services
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♪ >> personal freedom fundamental to who we are around the country. around the country maga republicans taking on the bedrocks. stand up for our personal freedom. stand up for the right to vote and our civil rights and this sur moment. so, if you are with me. go to joe and sign up. ♪ let's finish this job. i know you can because this is the united states of america. there's nothing -- nothing we cannot do if we work together. >> brian: michigan congressman john james joins us now. not a surprise he is running again. what do you think of the tape? what do you think of the message. >> look, joe biden doesn't care about black lives until election years and never been more clear than today with 14,000 sudanese americans and our allies being left behind with the conflict, another conflict going on around the world. and african-americans right here in our country who fear and don't have the freedom to leave their own houses without fearing for their own lives.
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joe biden has disqualified himself with this terrible record as president both foreign and abroad. i don't know why americans would vote for him. >> brian: we are losing saudi arabia. i'm not sure how permanent that is and how much work could be done. sudan was part of the abraham accords. now the country is divided and killing each other and running for our lives. abandoning another embassy. safety matters. do you know who is not leaving? china and russia. i can't see any evidence that they are abandoning anything. they want their influence there big story in leaked documents. colonize in their own image. >> exactly right. not only russia and china growing spears of influence i have talked about for years trying to colonize africa with their debt diplomacy. we are taking our eye off the ball. it's open season on americans under this biden administration. leaving behind americans and our allies in afghanistan. leaving behind americans.
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looking how china is colonizing africa. the wagner group engaging in paramilitary forces in sudan. destabilizing the entire region. all joe biden can do is finger wag and talk about climate change and gender politics. we deserve better for americans at home and abroad. and, frankly, right now. we're not protected by our oceans. we have folks who can strike us. they are finding chinese police stations in new york and all around the country and we have a porous and open border. we need to do everything to secure our nation. to keep our nation safe. and joe biden is terrible foreign policy is threatening us right at home here. >> brian: we will see. he is going to run on it. he embraces his foreign policy. evidence embraces his domestic policy and passionate of that is getting rid of the combustion engine and going to electric cars. every electric car that's soldiers 70% of all the battery 70% of what is in it consolidated and put together are chinese-made. we are licensing our security and transportation to chinese. and then in michigan, we couldn't take our eye off this
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story. the michigan senate committee has dolled out $175 million for a chinese-owned ev battery plant causing massive demonstrations inside your state. is there anything that can be done to stop it? we could hold this administration accountable. you are absolutely right. you have the e.p.a., excuse me, the energy secretary, jennifer granholm formerly the michigan governor, who is saying that we need to emulate a lot of things the chinese are doing. is it any surprise that they figured out ways to send american tax dollars to beijing through their acts. their trillion-dollar spending spree from last year? is it any surprise that gretchen whitmer has accepted an ev deal that glenn youngkin rejected. that may threaten the united states security? oh, but there's more. this plant going up in goshen is going to be just a stone's throw away metaphorically speaking from a military base right in
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michigan. we have to do everything we can to have an all of the above energy approach. make sure our infrastructure and workforce can catch up with the new technologies of the future without leaving anyone in folks in my district the 10th district use engineering, manufacturing prowess and move forward and not be left behind. also secure our national security and i don't believe our leaders in this administration are capable of doing that. >> brian: just real quick. i know mike waltz and lee zeldin surprised many by endorsing donald trump for president. have you decided has the former president called you? >> look, i know that joe biden has disqualified himself. i'm frankly focused on what it takes to lower prices for my district and protect the automatic motive in my district and keep americans safe. open season on americans under joe biden of and that's got to stop. >> brian: you are going to wait on your endorsement. john james, appreciate it? >> thank you, brian. >> brian: two chicago teens charged with only a misdemeanor for stealing a car that resulted
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in a crash stealing a baby. we will hear from the aunt demanding a harsher sentence next. ♪ hi, i'm john and i'm from dallas, texas. my wife's name is joy. we've been married 45 years. i'm taking a two-year business course. i've been studying a lot. i've been producing and directing for over 50 years. it's a very detailed thing and the pressure's all on me. i noticed i really wasn't quite as sharp as i was. my boss told me about prevagen and i started taking it. i feel sharper. my memory's a lot better.
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>> i know we are a country believes in honesty and respect and treating each other with dignity. we are a nation where we give
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hate no safe harbor. >> steve: back with a fox news alert. just 42 minutes ago joe biden announced he is running for re-election. his campaign released about a 3 minute video entitled freedom asking voters to give him one more time to finish the job. in the three-minute clip he makes no mention of the crime crisis, which is wreaking havoc in america's cities. meanwhile one misdemeanor count of criminal trespassing, that's the only charge given to the two chicago teenagers who crashed into a truck with a stolen car last week. that crash taking the life of christian evita who is only six months old. his mother and two older sisters are in the truck. they are expecting to make a full recovery. an la lease rivera is the aunt of christian and she joins us right now from chicago. annalise, we are sorry about what happened to your little nephew. >> thank you. i'm sorry that you guys won't get to his smile and the world won't know him for the amazing baby that he was.
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>> steve: the photos are ---he is just adorable. is he six months old. his whole life ahead of him. and now, look at that and now, extraordinarily, these two teenagers who stole a car and ran into your family's pickup truck and killed that little boy. they have been charged with a misdemeanor. not manslaughter. a misdemeanor. criminal trespassing. i don't get that. do you get it? >> no. no. it's absolutely ridiculous. it's really truthfully just the biggest slap on the wrist. a slap in the face to us completely. i don't know if the people who put these charges on them have kids, but i think anybody even without children can stand that this is wrong. people across all -- everything, i have gotten nothing but messages from people who said they are outraged. they are saddened. they don't understand as well as
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us and we a lot of times get messages well, why is this happening if this is that, we are just as confused as the city of chicago as to why this is occurring. it's really disheartening and it's really upsetting. >> steve: anan an la lease, i he red reportedly what have you hed from the district attorney reportedly soft on crime in your town does it sound like they are going to upgrade the charges. >> not that we're aware of. it's been a week. we have not been contacted by either the police or the dre from what i have understanding of, it's really really disappointing. it doesn't make any sense.
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i mean, there is not even justice for the person whose car they stole. criminal trespassing? what did they trespass into? the car? it makes absolutely no sense. it's beyond me and i think that the district attorney has just as much blood on her hands as the people who did this. if they don't bring other charges. >> steve: annalise, i will give you 30 seconds. be your little nephew's advocate. talk to the d.a. tell them why they need to do something. >> i want to know how you sleep at night seeing my nephew's picture on the screen. how you can see his face and think that his life meant absolutely nothing. okay? you are putting salt on our wounds. you are not bringing us justice. and even if you do something, we will never get our baby back, ever. there is no true justice. the only place we will ever receive justice and only one who can bring true justice is god.
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because this is absolutely -- it's something that i don't wish upon my worst enemy truthfully. and not only -- it's not a matter of if this is going to happen to another child. it's when. this is a daily occurrence in chicago. it's a daily occurrence on the west side and south sides of the city. it's absolutely disgusting that these people don't advocate and they claim to be advocates for black and brown communities when they're not. because they let black and brown children die every day and by letting those boys on the street, you are allowing them to do this again. and you are allowing it to happen to another baby. because we're not the worst. that's the sad part here is that one of dozens ever children that die in chicago every day. because of the crime that happens here in the city. >> steve: ann elise, nobody a better advocate for you if you
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watching would like to donate to the family go to they have a go fund me page. 12 before the top of the hour, ashley over to you. >> ashley: gut wrenching story. one of the roommates from the idaho slayings. defense of bryan kohberger. beth anthony funk filing a motion to avoid taking the stand claiming she has no information that would clear him as a suspect. she was there the night kohberger is accused of killing xana, ethan madison and kailee. she said she never saw him. set for june 26th. locking up all of the merchandise amid the city's shoplifting crisis. even toiletries like mouth wash, 14578 pooh and more are secured behind glass. target employees have to unlock those cases every single time a customer wants to make a purchase. so far san francisco police have received nearly 9500 reports of
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larceny thefts this year alone. lawmakers in the sunshine state file an amendment to give florida the power to inspect the disney's month rail. the amendment does not mention the company or the monorail by name. privately owned fixed guideway transportation systems. this comes as disney begins largest round of laugh layoffs. 4,000 people have been impacted as the company looks to slash a total of 7,000 jobs by the summer. layoffs are expected to impact employees at disney parks, espn and more. those are some of your headlines. we're going to check in with senior meteorologist actually no, i'm not. you are, steve. >> steve: let me read what you were just reading. now let's check in with senior meteorologist janice dean for our fox weather forecast. there you have got it in stereo. >> janice: hello, i love introductions from both of you. let's take a look at the maps. two thirds of the country way below average 46 in new york and 30 in marquette.
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40 in chicago. still even cold across portions the of the plain states and that's going to continue wednesday and thursday for the next several days. we're kind of into this pattern where below average temperatures continue for a wide swath of the country. except across the south and southwest in florida where temperatures will be above average and the west is going to have that area of hire sticking around for the next couple of days. just so you are aware, it's going to feel more like march than late april. potential for stronger storms across the plain states including texas up towards the oklahoma panhandle. that's going to continue not only tuesday but wednesday. so just keep that in mind. have a quay to get those watches and warnings. fox we'll keep you updated. okay, steve, over to you. >> steve: all right. j.d. thank you very much. >> got it. >> steve: coming up on this program on tuesday. one of america's feuds. fox nation is diving into the story behind the hat fields and mccoys in a new reality show. you think you know this story? you don't. it's coming up.
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out here, you're more than just a landowner. you're a gardener. a landscaper. a hunter. because you didn't settle for ordinary. same goes for your equipment. versatile, powerful, durable kubota equipment. more goes into it. so you get more out of it. >> steve: welcome back the legendary feud between the hat fields and mccoys is the oldest. >> ainsley: the modern story how
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these families refused to stand down is featured in a new fox nation series. >> if you could lift up your shirt for me one more check. somebody help. >> how many did you put in there? >> i'm always got a little something. >> hat fields got to get out of here real quick. you know what i mean? >> brian: know what you mean. [laughter] >> brian: hatfield descendant and husband chad. will thanks for the bourbon. >> you are very welcome. >> steve: here it is right here. autographed by all the hat fields. >> brian: mismiss steve's last segment because of it. how were you related to the original hat fields. >> my third great grandfather. >> brian: what do you know about the history. >> historic. it's a name that just keeps going and going and going with a legacy that never -- i don't think it ever ends and it sure hasn't ended with our family
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because heritage means everything. our history. >> ainsley: what if your child wanted to marry a mccoy. would that be an option. >> never. i'm so glad that you did not put us on here with those mccoys. i was really nervous about it. our family, our -- this is one has field family that is actually in a feud with this one family mccoy's. so,. >> steve: what's the feud over. >> would you like to -- you can. >> several years back, we was going to do our own thing so, we progressed off into spirits, doing moonshine, bourbon and, you know, they tried to intervene and take what my mother-in-law's family name from them which is -- let me tell you something, you got to be right if you have going to take something from me. especially the name. we knew it wasn't going to work. bad blood right out of the gate. we fought with them for the last 12 years.
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a real feud between us hat fields and them mcchoice, them specific. so it's -- yeah. it's stemming back 12 years now. >> brian: we heard about it growing up. hatfields and mccoys. and then we watched the kevin costner series. what are we going to see in this series on fox nation? >> you are going to see our family versus their family. my cousin christopher. marries a mccoy and it will remind you of from john and roseanne. and my aunt was not having it. we didn't know she had mccoy in her. everything is fine. she is a hatfield now it's all great. >> steve: chad, you knew the legend. you knew the legend about the hatfields and mccoys. you were an outsider. you meet her and you are like i don't know if i want to get involved in that family business, down in our area, everybody knows about the hat fields and mccoys. i was raised up right in the same area as her.
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with being associated with the family so, it was a big transition for me and, you know, when i went into the family, nancy being, you know, the oldest of the hat fields and she just took me. in treats me like her own son. she is good to me. still is today. they are definitely one that you got to keep at alittle click in the back of your head you don't want to mess it up. >> ainsley: what is it like doing. this basically a reality show of the two families. why did you want to do it? why was it important for you. >> it was important for people to see the truth. i know they might have read about this in some news articles. and i know a lot of people don't believe it. it's a true story. very true story between the two families. >> brian: real hat fields and mccoys can be streamed on fox nation. what are you holding in your hand? >> steve: it's a bottle of devil and for anderson, right?
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>> yeah. >> steve: where do people get this. >> hatfield, virginia. 80 proof. double-barrel. doing really well. we have been producing and making the double-barrel for several years. >> brian: i have got to correct you selling shots in the green room. two places can you get it. o. >> put you back two shots. >> steve: time for a timeout. all right. check it out. >> ainsley: i love what amber tells our producer. show people what the modern day hat fields have evolved to. we make moon shine just not in the woods. >> steve: we will be watching. thanks, chad. >> brian: thanks, guys. look forward to the series. >> steve: all right. it is 7:00 of new york city. hour two of "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> running for re-election. >> joe biden making it official. >> maga ext exextremists. banning books. >>


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